Don Quichote

The daily club life is arranged by the daily board and supported by active members. We have our armorer, competitions secretary, activity committee and advisory committee. Our goal together is to make sure everyone has a good time while also learning how to fence.

Chair: Ash Radchenko

Treasurer: Lucas Thoelke

Secretary: Tom Schwierz

General Board Member: Tim van Haren

The full structure of the club can be visualized as follows:

Advisory committee: consists of previous board members and advises the current board on various matters

Audit committee: in charge of monitoring the financials of the club

Website and PR committee: produces content for club’s socials such as Instagram and runs the website

Weapon committee: keeps the equipment of the club in condition

Activity committee: organises social events throughout the year

D&I committee: advises the board on diversity and inclusivity matters

Intercity committee: keeps members aware of upcoming competitions