On Wednesday March 27, we exchanged our normal training hours for a very special evening: the NSSR Sportsnight 2019. In short: 10 sports, in black light, till 2 in the morning. We thought this was a perfect opportunity to deliver something cool. Hence, we used excessive amounts of glow sticks and glow in the dark-tape on the salle, weapons, masks and ourselves. It also involved some epic battle music.

And the result was quite nice! We gave a total of 6 workshops to multiple very enthusiastic teams. Battles were fought and all people were very eager to get some points. So, let’s do this again next year!
And oh well, scraping all the tape off the weapons and walls was definitely worth it – even though it took us nearly an hour. Thanks to our members for helping out during the night!
Below a selection of photos made during the evening (night). Photos made by Rieke Bande and Rein Wieringa (SFV De Cycloop). Many thanks!
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